
Monday, October 22, 2012


So I have had several questions about what mlb stands for - as in Sir Q's mlb.  That's what my e-mail says.   Kitty asked me when she linked to my blog on her Follow Friday Post.  I tried to distract and didn't answer.  Hermione asked in a comment on my post about Musical Spankings.  She assumed that it was not Major League Baseball.  Once again, I deflected - though with a completely truthful statement.  In all of the times he's called me that, I've never once thought that it also stood for Major League Baseball (oops.)  Fondles was having none of my diversionary techniques.  She guessed My Little Bottom, My Lovely Bum, and Merry Lively Bitch.  I loved these possibilities.  I asked if I could vote on my favorite of those.

So, I have not given anyone a straight answer.

I told Sir last night that someone had asked what it stood for (he obviously knows as he is the one person who says it.)  "So, did you tell them?"

... Uh, no.

So I thought about it.  I told him that I didn't want to because it was between him and me.

"Hahahahah!"  Could you hear him from where you are?

Then I started to say that it was private, BUT I have written about some SERIOUSLY private material - is this - Really?  So...

mlb stands for.....  schrstchscrscrat - i'm heading into a recep - scxraasdcscssrrr - is really ba -scfrascrsa - d I'll tell you it stands for ..... m....CLICK

Well in my head, this is one of my limits.   It's not to say that I won't say what it means later...just for right now, it's his name for me.  It's not terrible, it's not tied to some hilarious story and he isn't a baseball nut.  I may write about some VERY PRIVATE material, but for now, the lines of that limit hasn't been redrawn.  You're welcome to give ideas or alternate suggestions, though.


  1. awww good for you tho... for keeping some things sacred between the two of you.

    that's always good.

    and yes, you may vote on whatever you like the best.

    *meanwhile i'll think up some more*

    goodnight, mystical lyrical bambino

    1. Goodnight at 2:25 Eastern...where on earth are you?? far I like 'My Lovely Bottom' of yours the best...but - Merry Lively Bitch holds great resemblance to me =)

  2. I guess:



    1. Hehe Joey
      **ponders** I wonder what barbie qualities I may possess. I'll have to ask Sir.

  3. ooooh Masters loving bottom, Masters little bitch

    ok thats 2 im working on more lol


    1. Can't wait to hear others you come up with. Who knew there were so many. I like the loving part - definitely true - worried bitch may be also =)

  4. I totally get that you want something private. I usually wait a bit before I post about Master and I...Master asks why....I want it to be just between us...for a bit. And I am trying to think if one....
    hugs abby

    1. I'm with you abby. Funny that our Doms don't necessarily think of that. I think they often think if we share these intimate things, why not those. This isn't even that intimate - just mine :)

  5. Good for you :):):)

    Hmmmm....I am going to have to think up of some good guesses:) ha!


    1. Look forward to hearing what you think Belle

    2. Oh I know I know I KNOW IT!!!!!!! "My Little Belle"!!!!! hahahahahahah! What a great name! LOL!Mr. B actually picked that one!

      My love bunny :)
      Masters little beauty :)

      Belle:) Still going to think so more:)

    3. HAHAHAHAH I just about fell out of my chair. I needed a warning before reading this one, as others around me ran up to my computer to see what I was LAUGHING about.
      Wow, I'm wicked uncreative... I have NEVER thought of all of the myriad of possibilities. Mr. B may have a new acronym for you =)
      I like Master's little beauty and we certainly fuck like bunnies - so that may be appropriate too =)

    4. LOL!!!! I am so glad that made you laugh:) I cant wait to see what other names everyone comes up with!


    5. Okay Okay this one is far fetched but.....

      Mrs. Lovely Boobs.....hey who knows! I know mr. b comes up with some crazy names for me! LOL :) about......

      Master's Luscious Bottom

      Okay I am done! I could really go on and on and on but I will stop! LOL! You can thank me later:) hehehehe!


    6. I'm thoroughly enjoying your ideas...
      THANK YOU!!

      ohhh luscious is such an awesome word, isn't it?

  6. Awww...I was really hoping you would tell, inquiring minds want to know. I completely understand though that you aren't ready to share, so I will wait :)

    Is it My Little Bride?

    1. While My Little Bride (or at least My Bride - not sure about the little part) is true, nope.
      Sorry - As with so many of my limits which seem to be re-adjusted, I'm sure I'll say...just not yet.
      And I have one of those inquiring minds so...I Am Sorry =(

  7. That's sweet :) I have a special name that Ward gave me that I have not shared with anyone. It is sweet and tender, and it makes me feel entirely adored. And I, like you, will never likely share it. Sometimes it's nice to have a delicious secret :)

    1. I love that you have one too! I still find it funny in my mind the fact that I don't mind sharing all of these other...PRIVATE moments...but not that one. But as they say, it is what it is =)

  8. I say keep it secret, mlb. An air of mystery and the possibility that you might one day reveal what it stands for will drive readership!

    1. Thanks Jake!

      I've always been going for an air of mystery - except that I write about being fucked silly - so... not very mysterious. Oh well =)


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